18 May 2007

Setting the Bar...

Yesterday afternoon was my first parent-teacher conference regarding Austin. I tell you, that kid went and set the bar really high for himself. He's gone and become one of the smartest kids in his class, reading and writing his letters with ease, and remember lots of his Spanish and Sign. They're opening a new room for slightly older kids in a couple of weeks, and he's getting bumped up, too. Michelle and I are ridiculously excited about it, and even the teacher said that as soon as she heard it was being opened she thought of how happy we'd be. I guess we're that obnoxious.

This all spells out a dark day for Austin. Henceforth, I will hang this over his little noggin. Even when he's fifteen and getting a C in basket weaving, I will be able to say, 'You were such a good kid, we raised you so well, even back in daycare you were brilliant. Shape up or ship out!' Something along those lines, probably adding in some phrase regarding disappointment. Needless to say, if he ever falters once in his whole life, falling at all below this new benchmark, he will be in serious trouble.

Speaking of serious trouble, Michelle and I just signed back up to play World of Warcraft. Now we each have our own account and can play side by side. It's a fun, relaxing thing we can do together that lets us talk to some of our friends in California and it beats just sitting in front of the tube never talking to one another. Plus, it's a much more fun game to have someone to play with at almost all times, especially if they're in the room with you. I think our friends are pretty stoked to have us back, too. I know I've missed talking to and playing with them.

I'm still looking for good summer work. If anyone needs anything that I can do from out here, let me know~

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