21 May 2007

Busy Little Week...

I have a busy a little week ahead of me. After school today is a staff golf tournament. I have not touched my clubs since sometime last year. I don't even think since moving back out to Minnesota. So this is fair warning to my back and to my wife: today is going to be rough. And that, my dear friends, is a golfing double entendre.

Tomorrow, aside from teaching the last session of my afternoon animation class, I need go and get an new sprinkler pump and start getting it put together with my father in law. Of course, it's supposed to also be storming the next couple of days, and God willing it'll drop enough water to finally wake my lawn back up. Oh yeah, and I'm going with the school band on a field trip to the Mall of America during the day. I like having the band teacher as my friend; she gets me out of class!

Wednesday I will be having a makeup jazz rehearsal for having missed Monday due to golfing (shucks). These afternoon classes are tough, because the kids have completely checked out for the summer. There are still three weeks remaining, but they all lost it three weeks ago. Kids can smell summer coming over a month away. I really think that schools might better be served by ending at the end of April, or even on the Vernal Equinox. And I think society would be better served and humbled if we had true holidays, like the solstices and the equinoxes (nuts to Columbus). That and everyone should have their birthday be their own legal paid holiday.

Speaking of birthdays, my beautiful wife is turning a still young 23 on Thursday. I have no idea what we'll do, but we'll do something. Oh, and I should get her a gift, too. Y'know, so she doesn't hold it against me for the next ever.

Friday I may even be allowed to breathe. It'll be sweet. Although I think all that is a start for a hefty weekend for Michelle. There's always something going on these days. And when there's not, we still go out and do something for the kid. He loves to just go and visit the neighbors. We've recently lucked out and met a few people with four year olds, and so hopefully we'll have a lot of playmates for the summer.

But I think my mom and sister started off the busy week the best by gallivanting out to Austin, Texas. They sure sound like they're having a ball. Here's a great line from an email from my mom:

Nice to see such an active downtown scene--horse drawn carriages, outdoor dining, pretty cool, though a bit loud and party heavy for Leann's taste. Oh, and street vendors--including one just for Evan: The Best Wurst hot dog stand.

Stuff like that reminds me that life really is good.

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