The Week, continued...
So my midweek wrapped up with a tornado watch that sent me into a stinky basement. Good times, I say.
Thursday was Michelle's birthday. I had worked a non-student day, so I was able to have a floating holiday to use as I please. I took the day off, and headed down to Minneapolis to have a nice lunch with my wife on her birthday. Such was my plan all along, but as it turned out, she had been having a long week already by that point, so it also gave her a lovely little break. On my out to her building, I picked up a fresh bouquet of flowers from a street vendor, as well.
We had a long lunch at an Applebee's. Then I took her directly across the skyway hall to present her with her birthday present. It was a Borders bookstore, and I let her go hog wild in there. Thank the great forces that be (and my own amazing luck), they were having a 3 for 2 sale on her favorite author, Jodi Picoult. Plus we got a few other tidbits for reading pleasure too. I felt it was quite a proper Fryer gift, as little reading material was ever turned down when I was growing up.
Best thing about taking your wife to shop at a bookstore? It's fine if you pick up something for yourself. I picked up a book my father recommended, The Coming Anarchy by Robert D Kaplan, as well as something else I'm excited to read. I enjoyed reading Frank McCourt before, and have enjoyed them greatly. But this book seems rather appropriate: Teacher Man. I can't wait to dig in after reading Kaplan, which is also turning out eerily fascinating and telling.
That evening, we three headed up to the in-laws' for a nice birthday dinner. We also managed to negotiate with Grandma to babysit for Friday night. When Friday afternoon rolled around, Michelle's folks stopped by to say hi and Mike checked out the new sprinkler pump I picked up to replace our busted one and formulate a plan for installation. They took Austin with them, and all reports were clean; he was the consummate Mr Manners.
Michelle and I spent the evening being free and relaxed. We went out for a little shopping and other wanderings, and got some drinks and appetizers to finish the night. It was such a nice break for all the week's hullabaloo. We had real conversation, with actual thought and pauses free of whining. We love our son dearly, but if there's hardly a moment to be an adult, not just a parent, one's mind will surely depart this world.
I liked being able to celebrate my wife's birthday over two days. She deserves it. After all, she means the world to not only me, but to my son as well.
Didn't know Michelle was a Jody Picoult fan--Leann is too. Leann used to get her advance copies when she worked at the bookstore. I got Sister's Keeper on tape once--wow--would that ever make a good movie script.
Glad you guys had a great week. Dad played hooky with the Lewis brothers, while I made up for lost time on Austin trip. Much fun was had with Rick playing turret gunner out of the Element's moonroof.
Michelle and I are so alike! I'm becoming a huge fan of Jodi Picoult and my goal is to read all of her work. As you can see above, I got mom hooked on it took.
Glad to hear your week wrapped up nicely; Austin (the town) rocked!
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