A New Beginning...
Ah, the world does keep on turning, and change occurs constantly. The big change was that today Michelle started her first day working for Target Corporate down in Minneapolis. She managed to take the bus on her own and be nearly forty minutes early. It's only about three o'clock now, but after waking up a little after five this morning, I'm doggin' it a bit. After this week I'm sure we'll be quite used to the whole early routine. How odd and strangely sudden-feeling it is to be up and about and living and working as though we are grown ups. Seems like only a year ago I was living it up in college, hitting the pub for happy hours after classes and work, looking forward to the future with hardly a thought in my head...
Of course, I still don't really have a thought in my head now. Some things just never change.
I'm just so proud of Michelle, she's taking a huge new leap, and it's going to be a lot of running around the Target building, lots of corporate training, something I don't know if I'd be able to hack without inciting a riot or launching a union revolution. But she's a much better employee than I, so she'll do well. I completely envy her taking mass transit down to the city, especially since I've now gotten word that in 2009, there will be an actual rail system coming up our way along Highway 10 (for those readers who know this area) that will connect to the light rail of the cities. Plus, the cool thing is the transfer station will be where they're building the new Twins ballpark, so life will definitely be sweet. Y'know, except once there's a new ballpark, ticket prices will never be at the $6.00 cheap seats again, and I'm almost certain we can kiss dollar dog nights goodbye as well.
To top off her commute, Target offers a beyond sweet deal for taking transit. For under thirty pre-tax bucks a month, automatically deducted, she gets a card she can use on MetroTransit (the city bus and rail system out here) as much as she wants, wherever she wishes to go. Consider the fact that a single round trip for her down to Minneapolis during rush hours is five fifty, and it becomes an absolute no-brainer. I tell you though, spouses should get those cards, too. Get to baseball games without paying parking or even driving around the Metrodome? I'm there!
The Season is nigh, and a man can dream~
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