It finally, really happened. Last weekend, Michelle and I got married. At 2pm, Saturday, 11 November 2006, she and I finally pronounced before the world the vows we had tacitly made some time before. I'm not really sure what to write beyond that point. It was a godsend to have seen the friends and family that we did, and it truly broke our hearts to say goodbye.
For the wedding day itself, everything went very smoothly. Nothing went awry, and the whole day went off with only the one hitch. (Get it? I was reprimanded for it the first time I used that line.) Having my friends run the dance made it even more special, and as always I was astounded by the rounds of wonderful words they had to say.
Unfortunately, we haven't gotten in all the pictures that were taken that day, and even more unfortunately no where near enough pictures were taken. So here are a few that I felt that my few readers might want to see...

Here are Austin and I getting ready.

The kindly gentlemen who were willing to stand by me (Joe, Warren, Ken, and Jaime).

The Gents trying to pose with Austin. This is as far as we got.

The recently appointed Grandma Pat and Austin getting the ring bearer pillow ready.

Me with the man who made me all that I am, and to whom I owe everything.

Mom and Michelle's mom Kathy lighting the Unity Candle before the ceremony.

Michelle being walked down the aisle by her father, Mike.

Michelle and I lighting the Unity Candle during the ceremony.

The whole wedding party. Can you tell which of the girls is my sister?

The newly expanded Fryer family.

My family.

My beautiful wife and I. Every time I think I couldn't be luckier in life, she smiles again...

Our first dance, Nora Jones' "The Nearness of You".
Well, that's enough out of me. Everything wrapped up far too quickly, and though it was a very long weekend, it practically evaporated before my eyes. This week has more been a matter of falling back into a normal pattern, just with a slightly heavier left hand. Still, I wish everyone could have stayed just a little bit longer. After all, why would they want to miss out on this the morning after they left:

Toodles folks~
Welcome to the club my friend.
It snowed for REAL?! I feel so gypped =P
I had such a wonderful time with you guys and I can't wait to see you, Michelle, and Austin again! (Hopefully when its NOT freakin 20 degrees outside! Crazy Minnesotans and your lack of appriciation for the cold!)
Gosh you guys looks so beautful! I'm so sad I wasn't there. =(
Call me when you get a chance.
...and by me, I mean Val...
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